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Alternative Routes
Ann Arbor, MI
Ann Arbor, MI
Signal Priority with Bus Bypass Lane
BRT Station in Las Vegas, NV
BRT in Mixed Traffic
BRT Station in Boston, MA
Mountain Link Station Concept Plan and BRT in Mixed Traffic
Ft Collins Max
Center Running Bus Lanes Ft. Collins
BRT Station in Seattle, WA

The study team identified eight potential BRT alternatives [link to map of alternatives evaluated] between the Airport, the Woodlands Village area, downtown Flagstaff, the hospital, and the Flagstaff Mall using a variety of routing alternatives.


These alternatives were evaluated on how well they met the project goals and included criteria such as existing and potential transit ridership, travel time savings, population and employment served, and cost-effectiveness.


The following alternative routes were selected for further definition and evaluation and were rated best at meeting the project goals:


  • Alternative A: Airport, Woodlands Village, Milton, DCC, San Francisco/Beaver, Hospital, 4th Street, Route 66, to the Flagstaff Mall.

  • Alternative C: Airport, Woodlands Village, Milton, DCC, Humphreys, Hospital, 4th Street, Route 66, to the Flagstaff Mall.

  • Alternative D: Airport, Woodlands Village, Milton, DCC, Humphreys, Hospital, Lockett, to the Flagstaff Mall.

  • Airport Segment 3: The Airport segment will be considered with each crosstown alternative to connect the Woodlands Village area to downtown, the Hospital, and the Mall.

  • NAU Segment: the NAU segment from Woodlands Village, McConnell, Knoles, University, Beaver, and the DCC, using the existing Route 10 alignment through NAU, will be evaluated as an alternative to the Milton corridor if traffic on Milton cannot be mitigated.

These alternatives will be further refined and evaluated and will eventually result in the selection of a Locally Preferred Alternative which will be submitted to the Federal Transit Administration with a request for federal project funding.





NAIPTA is currently conducting a study to identify, evaluate, and select transit improvements to connect key activity centers, reduce transit travel times, and improve transit ridership and operations.

    © 2021 by Mountain Line

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